Welcome to the CEOS Training Calendar, a shared resource of training events from around the globe.
Here you can find trainings relating to a broad set of thematic areas and geographies offered by CEOS members and associates,
the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) members, and other organizations engaged in providing trainings on Earth observations.
The primary objective of this calendar is to increase awareness of trainings and connect users with training opportunities to
learn more about Earth observations.
Hosted by the CEOS Systems Engineering Office and supported by the
CEOS Working Group for Capacity Building and Data Democracy (WGCapD), this calendar continues to grow and we hope you find it useful.
Please explore, find training opportunities, and share feedback!
Matching Events: 34
These monthly weather and climate discussions are bilingual (English and Spanish) and focus on WMO regions III (South America) and IV (Central America/Caribbean). The sessions highlight the use and interpretation of satellite imagery and products for mete...
DetailsInhalte: - Allgemeine Grundlagen und Besonderheiten des Nowcasting und der Vorhersage; - Zyklogenese und Frontenanalyse sowie Tiefdruckgebiete; - Mechanismen bei Starkniederschlagsereignissen, Hagel und konvektiven Böen: Relevante Bedingungen (Statik un...
DetailsEUMeTrain in cooperation with EUMETSAT and Eumetcal is organizing the 6th Marine Satellite Course scheduled between 31th March and 4th April 2025. The course will be in a classroom format, preceded by a short asynchronous on-line course preparation, and w...
DetailsCe cours en ligne sur les applications satellitaires, dispensé en français, est destiné aux prévisionnistes d'Afrique, quelle que soit leur expérience professionnelle. Il leur présentera le nouveau satellite opérationnel MTG, ses instruments et ses capac...
DetailsThe High Impact Weather Summer Course is an online course designed for the EUMETCAL community. It consists of an online part with learning materials that you can explore at your convenience, and two accompanying webinars provided by Rob Groenland. They ...
DetailsThis training will be conducted in two phases: the Self-Learning Phase and the Classroom Contact Phase. The Self-Learning Phase will begin on 01/04/2025, during which participants will engage in self-study from their respective workplaces. Study materials...
DetailsThe RGB Experts and Developers Workshop 2025 will be hosted by SMHI, EUMETSAT, and WMO on 1-3 April 2025 at headquarters of Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Norrköping, Sweden. It will be the fifth in a series of RGB-related commu...
DetailsThis six-session private course is designed to provide participants with a full understanding of EUMETSAT's data access services and tools for Earth Observation (EO) data. Over six interactive sessions, participants will gain practical experience with EUM...
Detailswindow.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-4R3F8QRBMW'); Wildland fire managers, scientists and the public benefit from timely and easy to access information ab...
DetailsDroughts are among the most destructive climate-related hazards, yet they often receive less immediate attention compared to rapid-onset disasters like floods. Their gradual development allows harmful conditions to build up before the full extent of the c...