Welcome to the CEOS Training Calendar, a shared resource of training events from around the globe.
Here you can find trainings relating to a broad set of thematic areas and geographies offered by CEOS members and associates,
the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) members, and other organizations engaged in providing trainings on Earth observations.
The primary objective of this calendar is to increase awareness of trainings and connect users with training opportunities to
learn more about Earth observations.
Hosted by the CEOS Systems Engineering Office and supported by the
CEOS Working Group for Capacity Building and Data Democracy (WGCapD), this calendar continues to grow and we hope you find it useful.
Please explore, find training opportunities, and share feedback!
Matching Events: 30
MTG is one of the most complex and innovative geostationary meteorological satellite systems ever built. The complete constellation consists of three spacecraft: two imaging satellites and one sounding satellite. The first imaging satellite, MTG-I1 is no...
DetailsThe Information Communication and Instrumentation Training Centre (ICITC), RTC New Delhi is offering a refresher training programme to the departmental / extra departmental personnel working as scientist / meteorological technicians/operators. A five work...
DetailsThe european Network on Extreme fiRe behaviOr (NERO) is pleased to announce its 1st Winter School, designed to advance knowledge and skills in reconstructing wildfire spread and estimating fire behavior descriptorsm such as the rate of spread. This hands-...
DetailsIn early 2025, EUMETSAT will convene the next iteration of the "Supporting Marine Earth Observation Applications (SMA)" course, introducing you to our marine data catalogue and helping you develop workflows that support your own application-specific goals...
DetailsThe next NWC SAF Users Workshop is going to take place from 25 - 27 February, 2025 at the AEMET Headquarters in Madrid, Spain. The main topics of the conference will include NWC SAF future plans, presentations and posters from both NWC SAF developers an...
DetailsThese monthly weather and climate discussions are bilingual (English and Spanish) and focus on WMO regions III (South America) and IV (Central America/Caribbean). The sessions highlight the use and interpretation of satellite imagery and products for mete...
DetailsThis training will provide an overview of spectral indices for land and aquatic applications as they are calculated with a QGIS platform. Specifically, this training will begin with an introduction to the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), alo...
DetailsThis training will provide an overview of spectral indices for land and aquatic applications as they are calculated with a QGIS platform. Specifically, this training will begin with an introduction to the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), alo...
DetailsSouth-East Europe Meteorological Training Course - SEEMET is a regular training course organized by SEEMET community, supported by EUMETSAT, Eumetcal, EUMeTrain and ECMWF, with aim to train the forecasters from NMSs of South-East Europe in using satellite...
DetailsThis online satellite applications course in English language is suitable for forecasters in Africa, independent of their work experience. The course will introduce the participants with the new operational MTG satellite, its instruments and capabilities ...