ARSET - Earth Observations for Humanitarian Applications

Start Date:
June 6, 2024
End Date:
June 20, 2024
The training will focus on flood risk assessments and specific challenges for assessing flood risk in refugee and IDP camps; gauging long-term heat stress in refugee camps and the challenges with decision making surrounding heat risk; and monitoring drought effects on agricultural landscapes in refugee settings using Earth observations (EO) to explore the correlations between anomalies in crop productivity and weather-based factors.
Targeted Audience:
-Primary target audience: Government ministries, international agencies, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) involved in humanitarian response and decision support activities -Secondary target audience: Academics and researchers involved in humanitarian response -Other potential participants: Any practitioners of remote sensing data
Expected Outcomes:
By the end of this training attendees will be able to: -Recognize the importance of measuring flood risk, long-term heat stress, and drought effects in refugee and IDP communities around the world -Apply workflows incorporating Earth observations, geospatial, and demographic data to identify localized climate risk in refugee and IDP settings -Discuss decision making strategies for mapping and managing climate conditions with risks faced by refugee and IDP communities -Summarize opportunities and shortcomings of specific Earth observations and geospatial datasets for climate risk and development indicators in humanitarian settings
NASA Applied Sciences
NASA Applied Sciences
Format/Training Type:
Workshop, Online Course
Application Deadline:
June 20, 2024
Contact Name:
Sarah Cutshall
Contact Email:
Thematic Area:
Climate, Disasters
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