The course will be delivered in French and aims to develop participants' skills in the use, handling and processing of geostationary (GEO) and polar (LEO) satellite data.
During this one-week on-site course participants will learn through hands-on exercises how to access, inspect and manipulate satellite data using python scripting language supported by Jupyter notebooks. Insights into data reprojection and the creation of new products will be provided. By the end of the course, participants are expected to be independent users of satellite data, being able to create a workflow that generates RGB products from the single image files either received via EUMETCast or retrieved from the EUMETSAT data store.
This course is organized by the Direction Générale de la Météorologie (DGM), with the contribution from Météo France and supported by EUMETSAT. The target audience are meteorologists working in African Meteorological Services that have already knowledge about the basics of remote sensing, such as satellite products developers, experts from operational centres responsible for numerical weather prediction and satellite meteorology trainers.
Targeted Audience:
Satellite products developers, experts from operational centres responsible for numerical weather prediction and satellite meteorology trainers
WMO Centers of Excellence for Satellites Applications - Casablanca