Advanced Training Course in Meteorological Instrumentation and Information Communication System
Start Date:
April 1, 2025
Africa, Americas, Asia & Oceania, Europe
This training will be conducted in two phases: the Self-Learning Phase and the Classroom Contact Phase. The Self-Learning Phase will begin on 01/04/2025, during which participants will engage in self-study from their respective workplaces. Study materials for this phase will be provided to selected candidates via email or the training website, and physical presence at the training centre will not be required. The Classroom Contact Phase will commence with an Orientation Program from 13/05/2025 to 23/05/2025 at ICITC, RTC New Delhi, where participants must be physically present. During this period, sessions will be held to address doubts from the self-learning phase, followed by a mid-term examination on 26/05/2025. Formal training will start on 27/05/2025 and conclude on 26/09/2025. This phase will include classroom teaching, on-the-job training, project work, a trip to an international airport site, written exams, project presentations, and a viva voce at the end. The subjects covered during the training will include basics of measuring principal, fault identification and maintenance of various meteorological instruments and technologies as follows: Surface Instruments (Barograph, thermograph, hair hygrograph, pressure tube anemograph, distant indicating wind equipment, Natural siphon recording rain gauge, tipping bucket rain gauge, HWSR etc) Automatic Weather Stations Upper Air Instruments (Radiosonde, GPS radiosonde, Wind Profiler, SODAR, Radio occultation, Dropsonde, Microwave Radiometer, Ground Equipment, Different types of Horizontal sounding etc). Aviation Instruments (Current Weather Instruments System (CWIS)/DCWIS, Transmissometer (Single base), Ceilometer Environmental Monitoring Instruments (Ozone sonde, AOD, Precipitation chemistry, PH meter, Conductivity meter, SO2/ Nox/ TSPM measurement etc) Network Security Software, Devices & Applications, Server Management Web Designing & Geographical Information System (GIS), Python, AI/ML Meteorological payloads on satellite & their product Meteorological Radar Participants are expected to fully engage in both phases to maximize the learning experience. No course fees will be charged; however, foreign participants will need to cover their own expenses for boarding and lodging For more information about the course please contact Ms. Suman Gujar, Sc. D at
Targeted Audience:
Professionals working in their respective National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS) and involved in the operation and maintenance of observational instruments, server management, website management, and the development of GIS applications for meteorological purposes. Qualification required: B.Sc./ M.Sc./ B.E./ B. Tech./ BIP-MT or equivalent
India Meteorological Department, Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India
Format/Training Type:
Blended Course
English, Other
BIP-MT: Basic Instructional Package for Meteorological Technicians